If you love dogs and aspire to become an entrepreneur, why not combine the two and start your own dog-training business? Think about it. Opening a business where your main customers are dogs means you will be spending more time working with your favorite animals in the entire world. While opening a dog training business may not sound like the …
Dog owners are being encouraged to utilise whistles as part of their training to ensure better communication with their pets. From improving safety to reducing problem behaviour, the dog training experts at ACME Kennels have revealed five benefits of using a whistle as a training tool. Investing time in dog training is essential for teaching pets expected behaviours, and a …
All dogs require commitment and maintenance. When you bring a puppy into your home, you’ll be responsible for meeting all their needs! From exercise and feeding to handling and grooming, there are similar tasks involved for every dog owner. But certain breeds are more demanding than others, so it’s important to choose a dog that matches your lifestyle. Whether you’re …
Keeping your dog mentally and physically stimulated does wonders for their overall health and happiness. Whilst as an owner you may look at the amount of rest and relaxation your dog can get throughout the day with a little bit of envy, dogs don’t want R+R all of the time and may become bored or restless just like us. So, …
When you have to go away for a few days and cannot take your dog with you, it can be stressful to figure out how to ensure your pet is well cared for in your absence. While asking a friend, family member, or a reliable pet sitter to look after your dog is a great option, it’s not always possible …