Stargazing, climbing mountains and visiting landmarks are among the top recommendations on a new must-do list of activities for dog owners in 2023. Travel platform, Dog Furiendly has teamed up with Admiral Pet Insurance to create an exciting list of must-do activities for dogs, each month packed with enriching experiences and budget-friendly ideas. The list of monthly experiences allows dog …
All dogs love walks! And when the weather is perfect, we love them too! But when the weather turns cold, and the paths turn icy, how safe is it to walk your pup? There’s a lot to keep in mind with cold weather. It’s vital that don’t let your dog out if it’s too cold for them, so always keep …
Summer is here, and, for dog owners, that means more adventures with our favourite four-legged friends! Whether you want to take your pooch for a nice long walk in the park, along the beach, or if you want to go all out and enjoy a staycation together, the UK is home to plenty of dog-friendly places to explore. Since 27% …
Here on The Dogs blog, we love nothing more than celebrating and showcasing the very best destinations where beloved canines are welcome. The city of Liverpool is a vibrant, friendly and exciting town that offers an abundance of days out possibilities. It’s also an extremely welcoming city, and that includes dogs! There are so many wonderful dog-friendly venues throughout Liverpool. …
As dogs continue to be man’s best friend around the world, many owners opt to take their canine companions on outdoor adventures throughout the year. If you want to hop onto the pet-owning bandwagon, there are many dog breeds available on the market for outdoor enthusiasts. Self-proclaimed outdoor enthusiasts love having a four-legged travel buddy by their side. However, not …